The Safe Company

New & Used Safes Palm Desert

Don't Be a Victim, Get Protected!

Protect Your Valuables from Being Vulnerable to Theft

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Who Should We Send it to?

The Safe Company

77682 Country Club Dr Suite B, Palm Desert, CA 92211
(760) 625-7184

Don't Let Your Personal Belongings Be Vulnerable to Theft

Nobody wants to worry about their valuable items being stolen. But it’s hard to ignore the constant thought of ‘what if’ when you don’t have a secure way to protect your possessions.

It’s time for you to get a reliable solution that will give you peace of mind and ensure your valuables are safe both at home and away from home.

Getting a new or used safe is the best choice for ensuring your valuables are safe, no matter the situation. They are tough and are made from fireproof steel construction that can endure nearly any disaster.

Additionally, many models come with or can come with a programmable electronic lock that will provide you with peace of mind, as you can be sure your important items are secure from would-be burglars.

Give us a call or come by our store front location in Palm Desert.

We have the largest in-stock selection of many popular makes and models including: Alpha Guardian, AmSec (American Security), Cannon, Gardall, Hollon, Liberty, Sentry, Cannon, TL, Eclipse, Bernardini, Burg Wachter…and more, call now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Gun safes are very popular among our clients. Because not only are guns valuable, it’s also crucial that they be kept out of the wrong hands. The challenge is finding the right kind of gun safe, and one that will actually help protect your valuable possession. In the past, gun cabinets made from glass and wood were used. They were fine for displaying the guns, but they are not very secure. There are gun safes now that are nothing but a thin metal cabinet made of 14, 16, or 20 gauge steel. These types of gun safes are easy to break into, even for amateur burglars. All it takes is a hammer and a large screwdriver. If you want a gun safe that can’t easily be broken into, you need a minimum of 11 gauge steel in the body. For best results, you should go for 10 or 7 gauge steel.

The door construction is also crucial. You want a gun safe with at least 1/4” of solid plate steel or something equally sturdy for the door. The most secure gun safes have doors of steel as thick as 3/8 to 1/2” minimum. The best ones will typically have high B Rated, U.L. TL-15 (Tool Resistant) to U.L. TL-30 ratings. There are also gun safes that have no official rating but are built to specs that are similar to TL levels of protection. In cases like this, it will help to have knowledgeable people like The Safe Company’s staff to guide you towards a purchase.

People who want cost-efficiency should not automatically go for the highest security rating. The key is to consider the type of valuable you need to protect, then choose a security rating that is ideal for that range. While security ratings are still subject to personal preference, there are de facto industry standards that can serve as a guideline in conjunction with your insurance company’s specific limitations:

  • For Valuables Up to $5,000, RSC. This rating is applied to low end safes, mainly those that pass a 5 minute attack test with simple tools. But they can also be applied to safes that are sturdy and secure, but did not pass the test because the manufacturers did not bother to test.
  • Valuables Up to $10,000, B-Rated. This rating is for sturdier safes consisting of 1/2” plate door and 1/4” body.
  • Valuables Up to $30,000, C-Rated. 1 inch protection on door & up to 1/2 inch on body.
  • Valuables Up to $200,000, U.L. TL-15. A rating of TL-15 means that the safe door has been tested and proven to resist attacks for 15 minutes, using common hand tools, picking tools, and even mechanical and portable power tools such as grinders and drills.
  • Valuables Up to $375,000, U.L. TL-30. A TL-30 rating is given to a safe door that exceeds a TL-15 test by as much as 30 minutes, excluding attacks from the top.
  • Valuables Up to $500,000, U.L. TL-30X6. This rating is for safes that survive the same 30 minute attack test from all 6 sides.
  • Valuables Up to $1,000,000 and up, U.L. TRTL-30X6. This rating is for safes that resist the same attacks for 30 minutes on all six sides, including a torch attack.

There are also some situations where manufacturers have products that are not rated, but claim to provide similar protection to a specific rating. In cases like these, you can get advice from The Safe Company and we will help you make a wise purchase decision.

If you are using a wall or hidden safe to keep items out of kids’ hands, then they are a good idea. But if you want to place to store high valuable items, hidden safes and wall safes are not ideal. This is because burglars already know to look for hidden and wall safes. And if found, they won’t take long to penetrate because the safes are attached to studs in the wall. They can be easily cut or pried out of the wall. Most of these types of safes are also vulnerable to fire, because their only protection is limited to the sheetrock in the wall.

Fire rating should be one of your top considerations when choosing a safe. You should prioritize buying safes that have a 1 hour fire rating, at the minimum. Most house and establishment fires will last that long. The fire rating is particularly important if you plan to store guns and ammo on the safe. If you have a limited budget and can’t afford 1 hr rated protection, you should still choose the safe with the longest fire protection that fits your budget.

If you plan to store flammable items like documents or paper bills, choose a U.L or U.S. made safe with a CERTIFIED fire rating of 1 hour or more. You should also consider the fire seals on the door. Because there are cheap safes that don’t have fire seals. These fire seals are important because not only will they protect from fire, they will also prevent moisture from getting in and destroying your valuables.

Not necessarily. If a safe is labeled as fire resistant, they are only referring to its ability to resist fire. It does not necessarily mean that they are safe against burglary. You need to consider both the fire rating and the security rating. Additionally, you should avoid products marketed as “fireproof.” There are no consumer safes that are truly fireproof. They are only fire-resistant, meaning they will protect your valuables from fire over a period of time, not indefinitely.

A key thing to note about fire resistant safes is that they protect valuables from heat and smoke, but many of the cheap ones are made of very thin metal that can easily be broken into by simple tools. A material can be fire retardant, but still easily punctured. Some of the cheap fire resistant safes can be opened just by dropping them on a hard surface.

If you have high value items in need of protection from fire and burglary, you are going to have to spend a little bit. There is no getting around it. If you are going to buy a cheap safe to protect a really valuable item, you may as well just keep it in a drawer because it’s going to be easy to steal either way.

Optical disks, magnetic tapes, films, photos, and other types of important items are very sensitive to heat and humidity/moisture. To protect these types of valuables, you should find a safe that is engineered and designed to keep the internal temperature of the safe to safe levels. These types of safes will prevent both heat and moisture from compromising the contents of the safe. The type of safe that provides this protection is a data/media safe. The best ones can keep the internal temperature below 125 degrees, and the humidity below 85%.

Keep in mind that inexpensive data/media safes don’t offer burglary protection. As a workaround, you can purchase them a small data/media safe with the right kind of protection for your valuables, then store them inside a larger safe that can protect against burglary. Sometimes, this alternative will come out cheaper over buying a more expensive data safe that provides both fire/humidity protection and burglary protection. A dehumidifier can also help to protect against excess moisture inside the safe.

There are two things you need to keep in mind for this. First, is that paper will start to burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit (or 233 degrees celsius). Next, is that a typical house fire will reach 800 to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. If you plan to protect paper documents and money, you should choose a fire safe that can resist those kinds of temperature for at least an hour. The Safe Company can help you choose, all you need is ask.

Floor Safes are typically great against burglary, because they are surrounded by concrete and will require a lot of time as well as the use of large, noisy tools to break into. But the catch to this kind of safe is that there is no protection against water infiltration. Floor safes are generally the lowest point of the floor, so everything that you put in the safe, you would want to seal inside of a zip lock bag to keep dry.

Our clients are typically asking whether they should choose a dial or an electronic lock. The answer, as always, will depend on a lot of factors. Dial and electronic locks both have U.L. ratings, which should help in choosing an appropriate level of protection.

Some clients also worry that an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that may render electronic locks inoperable. The Safe Company will help you choose brands of electronic locks that are EMP resistant. To really get the best of both worlds, you should choose redundant locks. These types of safes include both a mechanical and electronic lock. That way, if one lock fails, the other can still allow you to access the safe.

Additionally, manufactures advise that you get your locks serviced every 5 years. The Safe Company can help you with these, All you need to do is contact us.

The decision on where to install a safe is made on a case by case basis. Ideally, you should go for something that is “out of sight, out of mind.” But it should also be accessible when you need it. Lighting is also important because you don’t want to have problems with visibility when inputting your combination.

  • Size of the safe – bigger is always better!! Safes are meant to last and will serve you for years to come. The amount of valuables you need to store in it will only grow. Have an allowance in the size of the safe you think you need and oversize your requirement.
  • Anchor your safe – You need to anchor your safe into the concrete. It doesn’t matter how sturdy your safe is, if a burglar can easily move it, they will take it. Once they take it, they will have all the time and tools they need to get it open. 
  • Don’t tell everyone about your safe – a lot of purportedly secure safes get broken into simply because an owner’s friend, relative, or partner accidentally revealed key information (such as hints to the combination or the combination itself) to others. Keep important information to yourself. We know that purchasing a new safe is exciting, but you don’t need to tell others about it.
  • Security should be multilayered – don’t depend on just a safe to protect your valuable. Practice other security measures such as installing an alarm.
  • You get what you pay for – last but not the least, we at The Safe Company know that cost-efficiency is important, but the price shouldn’t be your top priority. A cheap safe will have compromises in quality. If you want the best protection for your valuables, be prepared to spend a little more. Think of it this way, it’s not really that valuable if you want to be cheap about protecting it.

The Largest Selection in Coachella Valley

Gun Safes



Home Safes







Business Safes

Fire Bank




High Security

T.L Rated

U.L Rated


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With Purchase. Limited time offer while supplies last

Who Should We Send it to?

The Safe Company

77682 Country Club Dr Suite B, Palm Desert, CA 92211
(760) 625-7184

Professional Safe & Vault Services

We sell safes and vaults that will protect your valuables and assets from burglars, floods, fires, and other unwanted accidents. There are options for people depending on needs and budget, ranging from simple lockboxes to high end safes with high-tech security features.


A sturdy, uncrackable safe is a good thing. It will protect your valuables from thieves and snoops. But what happens if that same security backfires and you get locked out of your own safe? The Safe Company can help you get access back to your valuables.


A gun safe will give you control over who has access to your guns and helps protect you from liabilities. There are no federal requirements that mandate a gun safe, but many states require guns to be locked up and kept out of children's reach, and there's no better way to do this than with a gun safe.


If you buy a home safe, it will last you a long time. Really good home safes are built for life. High-quality safes for jewels do not give you any reason to replace them, and their failure means the loss of very important and costly items.

Home Safes

The most durable safes can withstand a brute force attempts, and can't easily be stolen. But that also means that they are not easy to move around. If you need to move and install your heavy safes to a different location, The Safe Company is here to help.


Even the sturdiest of safes can break down over time, or after protecting your valuables from a burglar. We can help repair and regain the integrity of your safes, so that it can continue to protect your assets from unwanted intrusion.


Popular Makes & Models In-Stock Now

Alpha Guardian

AmSec (American Security)










Burg Wachter

For premium safe services in Palm Desert
and The Coachella Valley, stop by our retail location

Important Things To Consider When Buying a Safe

Throughout the many years of the Safe Company’s operations, we have realized that searching for the right kind of safe can be a challenge. There is no perfect safe, there’s just the right safe for you. This is why we are devoting our knowledge and experience to answer questions, ensuring that you are getting the facts straight from people who know all about safes.

One thing about the industry is that it’s easy to see a lot of safes that are nothing more than glorified thin metal boxes. They may look sturdy and safe, but they can’t protect your valuables. There is a lot more safes to choose from than just a thin metal box. We specialize in Home Safes, Jewelry Safes, Gun Safes, Commercial Safes, and other related security products. We also offer various services, including safe repair, safe moving, and safe opening services. 

What makes The Safe Company better than your average online safe store? For starters, we have a showroom located at 78206 Varner Rd, Suite B in Palm Desert, California, where you can easily see and even test products before committing to a purchase. We have technicians that can open your locked safe and will move your safe for you. We take our job seriously, and our job is to help you protect your most valuable possessions.

We have a long list of satisfied customers who can attest to our credibility and the quality of service we provide. The list includes residential and commercial customers all over the U.S. and we have served even state and federal agencies, large corporations, alongside individuals. Each customer who comes through our door or contacts us through our website are provided the best service possible in the industry. We are all licensed professional locksmiths and safes and security is our only business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gun safes are very popular among our clients. Because not only are guns valuable, it’s also crucial that they be kept out of the wrong hands. The challenge is finding the right kind of gun safe, and one that will actually help protect your valuable possession. In the past, gun cabinets made from glass and wood were used. They were fine for displaying the guns, but they are not very secure. There are gun safes now that are nothing but a thin metal cabinet made of 14, 16, or 20 gauge steel. These types of gun safes are easy to break into, even for amateur burglars. All it takes is a hammer and a large screwdriver. If you want a gun safe that can’t easily be broken into, you need a minimum of 11 gauge steel in the body. For best results, you should go for 10 or 7 gauge steel.

The door construction is also crucial. You want a gun safe with at least 1/4” of solid plate steel or something equally sturdy for the door. The most secure gun safes have doors of steel as thick as 3/8 to 1/2” minimum. The best ones will typically have high B Rated, U.L. TL-15 (Tool Resistant) to U.L. TL-30 ratings. There are also gun safes that have no official rating but are built to specs that are similar to TL levels of protection. In cases like this, it will help to have knowledgeable people like The Safe Company’s staff to guide you towards a purchase.

People who want cost-efficiency should not automatically go for the highest security rating. The key is to consider the type of valuable you need to protect, then choose a security rating that is ideal for that range. While security ratings are still subject to personal preference, there are de facto industry standards that can serve as a guideline in conjunction with your insurance company’s specific limitations:

  • For Valuables Up to $5,000, RSC. This rating is applied to low end safes, mainly those that pass a 5 minute attack test with simple tools. But they can also be applied to safes that are sturdy and secure, but did not pass the test because the manufacturers did not bother to test.
  • Valuables Up to $10,000, B-Rated. This rating is for sturdier safes consisting of 1/2” plate door and 1/4” body.
  • Valuables Up to $30,000, C-Rated. 1 inch protection on door & up to 1/2 inch on body.
  • Valuables Up to $200,000, U.L. TL-15. A rating of TL-15 means that the safe door has been tested and proven to resist attacks for 15 minutes, using common hand tools, picking tools, and even mechanical and portable power tools such as grinders and drills.
  • Valuables Up to $375,000, U.L. TL-30. A TL-30 rating is given to a safe door that exceeds a TL-15 test by as much as 30 minutes, excluding attacks from the top.
  • Valuables Up to $500,000, U.L. TL-30X6. This rating is for safes that survive the same 30 minute attack test from all 6 sides.
  • Valuables Up to $1,000,000 and up, U.L. TRTL-30X6. This rating is for safes that resist the same attacks for 30 minutes on all six sides, including a torch attack.

There are also some situations where manufacturers have products that are not rated, but claim to provide similar protection to a specific rating. In cases like these, you can get advice from The Safe Company and we will help you make a wise purchase decision.

If you are using a wall or hidden safe to keep items out of kids’ hands, then they are a good idea. But if you want to place to store high valuable items, hidden safes and wall safes are not ideal. This is because burglars already know to look for hidden and wall safes. And if found, they won’t take long to penetrate because the safes are attached to studs in the wall. They can be easily cut or pried out of the wall. Most of these types of safes are also vulnerable to fire, because their only protection is limited to the sheetrock in the wall.

Fire rating should be one of your top considerations when choosing a safe. You should prioritize buying safes that have a 1 hour fire rating, at the minimum. Most house and establishment fires will last that long. The fire rating is particularly important if you plan to store guns and ammo on the safe. If you have a limited budget and can’t afford 1 hr rated protection, you should still choose the safe with the longest fire protection that fits your budget.

If you plan to store flammable items like documents or paper bills, choose a U.L or U.S. made safe with a CERTIFIED fire rating of 1 hour or more. You should also consider the fire seals on the door. Because there are cheap safes that don’t have fire seals. These fire seals are important because not only will they protect from fire, they will also prevent moisture from getting in and destroying your valuables.

Not necessarily. If a safe is labeled as fire resistant, they are only referring to its ability to resist fire. It does not necessarily mean that they are safe against burglary. You need to consider both the fire rating and the security rating. Additionally, you should avoid products marketed as “fireproof.” There are no consumer safes that are truly fireproof. They are only fire-resistant, meaning they will protect your valuables from fire over a period of time, not indefinitely.

A key thing to note about fire resistant safes is that they protect valuables from heat and smoke, but many of the cheap ones are made of very thin metal that can easily be broken into by simple tools. A material can be fire retardant, but still easily punctured. Some of the cheap fire resistant safes can be opened just by dropping them on a hard surface.

If you have high value items in need of protection from fire and burglary, you are going to have to spend a little bit. There is no getting around it. If you are going to buy a cheap safe to protect a really valuable item, you may as well just keep it in a drawer because it’s going to be easy to steal either way.

Optical disks, magnetic tapes, films, photos, and other types of important items are very sensitive to heat and humidity/moisture. To protect these types of valuables, you should find a safe that is engineered and designed to keep the internal temperature of the safe to safe levels. These types of safes will prevent both heat and moisture from compromising the contents of the safe. The type of safe that provides this protection is a data/media safe. The best ones can keep the internal temperature below 125 degrees, and the humidity below 85%.

Keep in mind that inexpensive data/media safes don’t offer burglary protection. As a workaround, you can purchase them a small data/media safe with the right kind of protection for your valuables, then store them inside a larger safe that can protect against burglary. Sometimes, this alternative will come out cheaper over buying a more expensive data safe that provides both fire/humidity protection and burglary protection. A dehumidifier can also help to protect against excess moisture inside the safe.

There are two things you need to keep in mind for this. First, is that paper will start to burn at 451 degrees Fahrenheit (or 233 degrees celsius). Next, is that a typical house fire will reach 800 to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. If you plan to protect paper documents and money, you should choose a fire safe that can resist those kinds of temperature for at least an hour. The Safe Company can help you choose, all you need is ask.

Floor Safes are typically great against burglary, because they are surrounded by concrete and will require a lot of time as well as the use of large, noisy tools to break into. But the catch to this kind of safe is that there is no protection against water infiltration. Floor safes are generally the lowest point of the floor, so everything that you put in the safe, you would want to seal inside of a zip lock bag to keep dry.

Our clients are typically asking whether they should choose a dial or an electronic lock. The answer, as always, will depend on a lot of factors. Dial and electronic locks both have U.L. ratings, which should help in choosing an appropriate level of protection.

Some clients also worry that an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that may render electronic locks inoperable. The Safe Company will help you choose brands of electronic locks that are EMP resistant. To really get the best of both worlds, you should choose redundant locks. These types of safes include both a mechanical and electronic lock. That way, if one lock fails, the other can still allow you to access the safe.

Additionally, manufactures advise that you get your locks serviced every 5 years. The Safe Company can help you with these, All you need to do is contact us.

The decision on where to install a safe is made on a case by case basis. Ideally, you should go for something that is “out of sight, out of mind.” But it should also be accessible when you need it. Lighting is also important because you don’t want to have problems with visibility when inputting your combination.

  • Size of the safe – bigger is always better!! Safes are meant to last and will serve you for years to come. The amount of valuables you need to store in it will only grow. Have an allowance in the size of the safe you think you need and oversize your requirement.
  • Anchor your safe – You need to anchor your safe into the concrete. It doesn’t matter how sturdy your safe is, if a burglar can easily move it, they will take it. Once they take it, they will have all the time and tools they need to get it open. 
  • Don’t tell everyone about your safe – a lot of purportedly secure safes get broken into simply because an owner’s friend, relative, or partner accidentally revealed key information (such as hints to the combination or the combination itself) to others. Keep important information to yourself. We know that purchasing a new safe is exciting, but you don’t need to tell others about it.
  • Security should be multilayered – don’t depend on just a safe to protect your valuable. Practice other security measures such as installing an alarm.
  • You get what you pay for – last but not the least, we at The Safe Company know that cost-efficiency is important, but the price shouldn’t be your top priority. A cheap safe will have compromises in quality. If you want the best protection for your valuables, be prepared to spend a little more. Think of it this way, it’s not really that valuable if you want to be cheap about protecting it.

What Our Clients Say

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With Purchase. Limited time offer while supplies last

Who Should We Send it to?

The Safe Company

77682 Country Club Dr Suite B, Palm Desert, CA 92211
(760) 625-7184

The Safe Company is the leading name in quality safe sales and installation, along with emergency locksmith services.

Our offerings include a wide variety of safes related services and products, including openings, repairs, complete installations, combination changes, moving, ATM opening, safe deposit box opening, new and used safe sales, residential and commercial safes and Ironclad safe sales.


The Safe Company Offers professional palm desert locksmith services, safe opening, sales and installation. Our area of coverage includes Palm Desert, Palm Springs, La Quinta and the Coachella Valley. We are here if you ever have a problem related to safes.

Drop By Our Showroom

Contact Us

77682 Country Club Dr
Suite B, Palm Desert, CA 92211

Operating hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 8:30am-1:30pm

Copyright 2023 The Safe Company